Many Nigerians are interested in owning a home in their fatherland but do not have a credible means of channeling their resources to achieve this goal.  HATHS is ‘Union Homes’ safe and convenient solution that enables the Nigerians living abroad to actualize this emotive desire to own a house in the fatherland.

·         Things You can do with HATHS:

Build, Buy, Complete or Renovate Property in Nigeria.

·         Benefits:

o   Safe and secure application of funds.

o   Motivates regular home coming

o   Opportunity to invest in real estate in Nigeria

o   Ease of transaction

o   Enhanced self-esteem and public perception

o   Convenient and competitive funding

o   Cash flow advantage

o   Dealings with credible institutions


·         Who can apply:

o   Gainfully employed Nigerians living abroad, or the Nigerian spouses of foreign nationals living abroad.

o   Non-resident Nigerians living abroad and serving the nations interest in various international assignments.


·         Conditions:

o   Applicants must be credit worthy, i.e. References from their bankers are required.

o   Verifiable evidence of a regular source of income required and must be duly confirmed by the employer.

o   Applicants to provide 25% equity (down payment).

o   Maximum amount to be disbursed is 75% of cost of property.

o   The loan is repayable between 10-15 years or before attaining the age of 60 years, whichever is earlier, and interest rates is 1% lower than the prevailing rate. This certainly is an opportunity to invest in real estate in Nigeria.